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Pressure level transmitter and its characteristics

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-16      Origin: Site

Pressure level transmitters are suitable for liquid level measurement.Most of the time we use submersible hydrostatic level sensors for liquid level measurement.When you can't use the probe of a hydrostatic level sensor,you can try this pressure level transmitter.The pressure liquid level transmitter is a kind of differential pressure liquid level measuring instrument with a diaphragm.

Level (Pressure/Differential Pressure) Transmitters,is a pressure signal,measured on the reference side (low pressure side) of atmospheric pressure,Comes with one or two ports for flange (or other connection) and process piping connections.So,we can say that SMT3151LT pressure level transmitter,It is also a diaphragm liquid level transmitter.A pressure level transmitter is a field transmitter that is mounted directly on a pipe or vessel.Since the isolation diaphragm is in direct contact with the liquid medium,there is no need to take out the pressure guide tube on the positive pressure side.Make the liquid level of the medium (magnetostrictive liquid level gauge),pressure,density,Such as high temperature,high viscosity,easy crystallization.It can detect easy precipitation and strong corrosion.Then convert to 4~20mA.DC signal output. Pressure Level Transmitter-

Features of Pressure Level Transmitters

DP-level technology.

On the basis of ordinary pressure/differential pressure transmitters,

Add 1 or 2 isolation diaphragm boxes to measure the liquid receiving part.

Mainly used to measure high temperature,

Readily solidifies or crystallizes,

Contains suspended solids,too viscous,

Corrosive or other media that need to maintain hygienic conditions without pollution.

Basic measurement elements,

Same as technical performance,

3151 Pressure/Differential Pressure Transmitter Specifications.

After adding the remote transmission device,

The measurement accuracy will decrease slightly,

Slow response,

And pay attention to the installation location,

When the pressure is low,

To ensure that the measured pressure is within the measurement range,

Basic measurement elements.

In other words, the water column at a given height,

The same pressure will always be applied to the transducer.

Since weight is a force and pressure is a force applied to an area,

In this case, the area of the transducer,

We can read pressure from sensor and convert it to level.

What is the working principle of liquid level transmitter?

There are many different kinds of level measurement transmitters, including:

  • Capacitance.

  • Hydrostatic.

  • Magnetic.

  • Radar.

  • Ultrasound.

  • Guided microwave.

Each of these transmitters works in a different way,making them suitable for different types of processes.

Capacitive level transmitters:

These transmitters use liquid stored in a tank or container as the dielectric between two or more electrodes.The energy capacity of the capacitor circuit increases when there is more liquid and decreases if there is less liquid.By measuring the change in capacitance,capacitive level transmitters can calculate the current level of a tank or container.

Capacitance level transmitter:

Hydrostatic Level Transmitters:Also known as pressure level transmitters,these transmitters help determine the liquid level in a container by measuring the pressure of the liquid at rest within the container.The greater the force of the liquid,the greater the volume of the liquid.